What other people think


I’ve joined a group of mums to answer a Monday question. Today’s question is:

“Do you care about what other people say or think?”

What is important to Kevin and me is what Coraline thinks about herself.

We want her to love herself and to have a loving inner voice.

We have been lucky as everyone we have met out and about with Coraline has loved interacting with her. I have wonderful conversations with people in the supermarket or on the bus with her.

I think generally for me in life, I have always cared what other people think. I know they say, “what other people think of you is none of your business” but I certainly care, probably too much.

What about you?

To see what others in the group have answered see #ourEXTRAordinarylife #nuestravidaextraordinaria

Coraline has recently been back seeing our neighbours #joy

Coraline has recently been back seeing our neighbours #joy