Expanding sounds


To build on copying the sounds Coraline makes, which I wrote about yesterday, I learned at the talk I went to that we can expand a sound she can make.

If she can say “ddd” we can work on an auditory bombardment of things starting with “d”, and put together a visual “d” book, but always words which begin with d+vowel e.g. “dog”, “duck”. That’s on my to “do” list....

I also learned you can build on play too. I copy and imitate what Coraline is doing and then I inch it along to the next step for her as Coraline will learn by copying, e.g. if she is hitting two blocks together, I can show her the next step of stacking them, to move her play along to the next level. She doesn’t do that yet but she is watching as I stack them. The secret, to have high expectations.

The big thing I learned is that Coraline will learn by copying, so I model something, and she copies it.

Here, I’m modelling sitting on the sofa 👍

Development, SpeechLiz