Feature Friday on Cedar's Story


The Blog Cedar’s Story have a Facebook Friends Friday edition and Coraline was featured on their facebook page on Friday 11 October.

Here’s what they put up:

For the month of October we are sharing some of our friends who happen to have Down Syndrome, like Cedar.

October is Down syndrome awareness month and we want to help you see what Down Syndrome looks like, and that there may not be as many differences as you think...

Meet Coraline

This is Coraline, she loves sorting piles of clothes, playing her xylophone, crawling through tunnels and pointing at books.

Coraline is the best eater! Breakfast blueberries, lunchtime lentils or dinner time turbot, she loves to test out her tastebuds (and her arm when she throws it at the floor!)

Attitude, DevelopmentLiz