Most important lesson learnt


I’ve joined a group of mums to answer a Monday question. This week’s is: "what is the most important lesson you have learnt from your child?"

In a Blog post which I wrote when Coraline was five days old, I shared the words my old lifecoach @sophia_davis_coach wrote to me after she was born:

“She is a huge, huge gift to you both and to this world. Pure love. Unfiltered. Unconditional. True. Life's biggest gifts are often most unexpected happenings. Life is never how we think it's going to be. Your baby will teach you unconditional love. Unfiltered, simple beingness. And if you let her, she will also teach you how to love and accept yourself even more. That's her gift to you. Coraline is so lucky that you are her parents. Already, you are just accepting what is, and allowing the gifts of that to flow to you. Opening your heart to unconditional is really the only true purpose of life, and the reason we are all here."

Sitting here now, I feel Sophia's words sum up what Coraline has brought me over these past two and a half years. I feel I have opened up and entered into life's flow.

That has happened because I have felt myself loosening my grip on: control (of situations or others), perfectionism and expectation that things must be a certain way. I have felt myself moving towards embracing the here and now, loving life, acceptance, appreciation and being myself. The beauty is in being yourself and letting that self shine forth. Kevin says Coraline has taught him to slow down. For me, Coraline has opened my eyes.

You know when unconditional love has arrived as it envelops you and it is a pure feeling, it brings a peace with it, and a great joy. I asked Kevin his response to this question and he replied, "love is all there is". I suppose with unconditional love, love is all there is, and that's all there is to it.
