Hardest thing


I’ve joined a group of mums to answer a Monday question. Today’s question is,

“What is the hardest thing you’ve had to hear since Coraline was born?”

The hardest thing was when the cardiology team said after Coraline was born (and was diagnosed with atrioventricular septal defect) that she couldn’t get ill with common illnesses until after her open heart surgery (or she would likely have needed to go into hospital). They said she should not mix with other children too until afterwards, as part of this protection (apart from for a brief couple of months when they felt she’d be strong enough to do so).

It turned out that her heart surgery was at 15 months old as they were waiting for the right time. So we exercised caution and eagle eyes when out on trains or buses or cafés (i.e. If anyone around us looked a bit ill we would move). We only met up with friends if they were feeling well. But we did it. We made it work.

A month after her heart surgery we flew to Australia for six weeks 😄😄😄

To see what others have answered see #ourEXTRAordinarylife