Sharing on social media

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I’ve joined a group of mums to answer a Monday question. Today’s question is,

“What made you decide to share Coraline’s life on social media and how do you think it can be helpful?”


I have learned to follow gut instinct as I believe it is right in whatever it tells you and you just need to stop, quiet and listen, and follow it. It will tell you what’s right. I began writing when Coraline was three days old as I had a strong desire to write.

How do I think it can be helpful? Well I began writing for new mums. Writing what I would want to have read myself. And for friends as I thought they would be interested.

I’d love to ask you (who read this blog), how you think it can be helpful or what you have felt from reading it?

To see what others have answered see #ourEXTRAordinarylife