Stepping along


All of a sudden Coraline’s preferred way to move around is to take both our hands and step along with us holding them.

She is not yet standing or walking unaided but this is a real transition. She prefers this over crawling now. She can spring up from the floor holding our hands.

We have been practising it for a few months at preschool when we walk her a few steps up to the door from the pram holding both her hands and they walk her out similarly to the pram. They suggested this to create the habit. It’s built and built. We can now go for thirty seconds or so.

It’s really great as it means I am not carrying her so much (which used to be from room to room). I had even begun to get Kevin to lift her for me recently as he works from home, and I need to ask him less now.

Kevin calls her an all action hero.

Lockdown, DevelopmentLiz