Bulk up


Coraline will be 4 years old in August and she weighs about 19kg, so almost 3 stone. We are still lifting her everywhere many times a day, as she is not yet walking, and does not yet follow verbal instruction to move between rooms. I am mindful of not overdoing it, so I am asking Kevin to lift her around the house, as he works from home, which is lucky.

Coraline is now pulling herself up to stand against furniture, and cruising along it. It will be such a moment when she is standing unaided or without holding onto anything. We can feel the momentum and developments building every day.

Me: I mean what do you do when you can’t lift her anymore? What do parents do?

Kevin: You just bulk up

Me: Hmm, I see Kevin

Kevin: She’ll be walking soon. It’s like an aeroplane journey to Australia, you don’t really enjoy it (well I know that you do) but they put in all these things like seat back TVs to make the experience easier for you, and then when you get there, you actually forget about the whole journey

Me: Well I don’t think you actually forget. If you’re talking about Coraline and walking. I won’t forget all that has led up to her walking as it is going to make the advent of her walking so very special. I love our life and I have loved these years. It’s been such a big part of our considerations when we go out, especially now she’s bigger. I think that I will always have an appreciation of her walking as a result of that. I do believe I will feel such a sense of presence and appreciation when she is.

(When I put this post up on facebook, one of the page followers recommended this product which I promptly ordered Hippychick Hipseat - Hippychick )