Thank you PSDS


This weekend has been full tilt getting our shop ready for opening tomorrow. It looks beautiful.

I have loved packing these “Coraline Collections” (mini soaps) in the evenings this week. 20% from every sale is going to PSDS this month, Down’s Syndrome Awareness Month. We are going to extend that to tomorrow too, for shop opening day!

What have PSDS given us? Love, warmth, kindred souls, a space with toys for Coraline to play with, volunteers who bring us parents tea and coffee and biscuits, guidance in play and development, speech therapy, occupational therapy, wisdom, parties, people to ask when we are not sure of something and dear friendships for life for us and Coraline. They have given us so much.

They are a charity in Surrey dedicated to helping children with Down syndrome reach their full, wonderful potential. Coraline was lucky enough to spend almost two years at Digbies, a weekly pre-school early development group for children with Down syndrome before we moved to Topsham this August.

Digbies had been recommended to me so highly I knew I had to improve my driving to drive the 40 minutes there. Kevin did trial drives with me and I built my confidence for the drive each week, because I knew what awaited us at the other end was everything I have mentioned above, and more.