My book


After Coraline was born and thereafter, I was looking for books written by parents of children with Down’s syndrome. I suppose it’s a bit like an internet search, you keep looking until you find what you want to hear.

I would think to myself:

Let me find a book where the parents are flying, where the parents are happy, where they love life and where they tell me their child is flourishing. Let me find a book where they tell me everything is well; in fact better than well. Let me find a book where I can read that the child is fabulous and adored and that great things are headed our way. I know, you can’t generalise, I know that every experience is different, that life isn’t all one thing, or all another thing. I know that life does not exist without challenges. But let me find this book.

I will write this book.

In fact, I began writing it yesterday and I am exited about it.


The closest book I have read to giving me the feeling I was after was “Expecting Adam” by Martha Beck which she wrote whilst pregnant with her son Adam. I think because she wrote about her intuition and about her feelings about her son-to-be. And her knowing was so strong about what he would bring.

Attitude, Birth, LockdownLiz