Note taking


I’ve joined a group of mums to answer a Monday question. This week’s is:

“Do you take notes when your child has appointments? Do you do extra research too?”

Yes! I take notes! They are almost verbatim notes! Those kind of notes. Haha. I have always taken notes in this way throughout my life. I have two A5 notebooks which are full since Coraline was born and I take notes at each appointment. I find it really helpful to look back on. I put anything in those books to do with Coraline e.g. in her first few months I spoke to some mums who gave me advice on developmental activities and I wrote all that down in there.

Yes I do do lots of extra research, I think just because that’s in my nature. We are lucky in that we live near the Down’s Syndrome Association’s head office in the U.K. I have been to talks there. I read books, listen to webinars and podcasts, and go to talks. I’m currently doing an online course in early development for children with Down’s syndrome. It’s more that I find it really interesting than anything else and I am curious to keep learning, as opposed to feeling any kind of pressure to do so. Again, it’s just my nature so I wouldn’t be able to do it any other way.

Kevin would probably answer, “well I know Liz will be taking notes”.