Family times


I like this picture. It seems like an advert for a water park. Taken in our friends’ swimming pool in France on the penultimate night of our honeymoon when we stayed with them and Coraline was in bed. It was about 8pm and we had glasses of wine on the side of the pool. Their children were plunging in too.

This is what life is made of I think. We played pétanque in their garden later in the evening. Their family is so warm, so smiling, so caring for each other and I hope as we go forward we are like this. You actually felt lifted up by their warmth whilst you were in the house. Like an injection of energy.

We felt this from all the French friends and families we saw on our trip. They all adored Coraline and shone love on her. In early August we had our own family times; our two year anniversary of moving in together in our house, Kevin’s birthday and Coraline’s first birthday. 


Attitude, TravelsLiz