Talking to Coraline

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I love this picture which Kevin took yesterday morning. Coraline is in her new giraffe T-shirt.

I was singing nursery rhymes and Coraline was joining in on some of the actions to them which she loves to do.

As Coraline is not yet talking we know the importance of us talking to her, of a running commentary when we are doing things, as all of that input and repetition is key. We are always talking to her and saying out loud what she is playing with or doing.

Coraline doesn’t yet point to things to express a preference for them, but she brings you a book if she wants to look at it together. She also comes up to you and begins to move your hands if she wants to hear her favourite nursery rhyme, “Wind the bobbin up”. And then once she’s done that and we’ve sung it, it just flows into singing other ones in our repertoire with the Makaton signs.